Review Summary
Hotel Charles - Charles HotelCity: Budapest
Hegyalja út 23. 1016 Budapest, Hungary BHS Reservation Phone number: (+36-1) 457-8450, (+36-1) 225-3385 BHS Reservation Fax: (+36-1) 202-0319
We stayed with a 14 month old baby and the breakfast ladies were very helpful and even playing with him. The reception staff were helpful, polite and informative. As the days were very hot while there we stayed in the hotel during the day and morning and afternoon we were out and the hotels vicinity to the city was perfect when you have a pram to push and cannot be bothered with the public transport, as we wanted to see parts of the city. Bili smo prezadovoljni hotelom, uslugom i blizinom hotela gradu, jer smo odseli sa 14. mesecnom bebom. Za doruckom smo imali malu pomoc od osoblja, kao i od osoblja sa recepcije. Blizina gradu nam je odgovarala, jer smo hteli malo da izbegnemo sami centar, da se malo setamo, ali i sa kolicima i guranjem kroz grad nije bilo problema. 24/06/2012 Hotel Reviews - Hotel Charles - Back
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