Other popular destinations in Hungary
- With 10 years of experience in the hotel business we have selected the best accommodations in Hungary in each category.
- Our hotel reservation service for the entire Hungary is absolutely FREE of charge.
- We provide real time secure reservation in Budapest and instant confirmation for most featured hotels in all Hungary.
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- The reservation process for any Hungary lodging is easy and fast with Hotel Start.
- You can compare the prices and services of our hotels so you can easily find the hotels having the best price/value ratio.
- The hotels we work with in the countryside of Hungary do not charge your credit card in advance.
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Please choose the town you would like to visit, fill in your arrival and departure dates, the number of rooms, and press the "Check Rates" button. Every hotel in Budapest or your destination town in Hungary, where there is free capacity for the desired period will be listed, together with the room rates.
City: Sarvar Spirit Hotel Thermal Spa 

The Spirit Hotel Thermal Spa welcomes guests in Sarvar, in the western part of Hungary, right next to the pictoresque seven lakes' area and the surrounding forests, offering a unique spa, elegant rooms and suites, a restaurant and numerous bars, sport and conference facilities.
1.1 km (0.7 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 214 Eur per room / night!
City: Sarvar Hotel Platan Sarvar 

Sarvar is located in Vas county, in a wonderful natural milieu. Beside the cultural, historical and architectural monuments of the Raba-coastal town, the high number of concerts, folklore festivals and fair parades highten its attraction. The ones who are looking for recreation or relaxation may go to the Spa and Wellness Centre or to the Thermal Crystal Sarvar. The cozy Hotel Platan awaits its guest in the heart of the town.
0.4 km (0.2 mi) from city center.
City: Sarvar Hotel Harmonia Thermal 

The three stars Harmonia Termal Hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance of the Spa and thermal bath of Sarvar of friendly to one of the finest families spa area of Hungary belongs.
1.2 km (0.7 mi) from city center.
City: Sarvar Pension Wolf 

Pension Wolf is located in the neighbourhood of the Sarvar Thermal Spa and thanks to its advantageous position,it provides a pleasant chance to recover to all of its guests. From Budapest, the pension can be approached on the M7 highway until Szekesfehervar, and then on the highways 8 and 84.
0.7 km (0.5 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 46.85 Eur per room / night!
City: Rabapaty Joo Inn Wellness Pension 

The Joo Inn Wellness Pension and its restaurant welcomes guest in Rabapaty, in the Western part of Hungary, at a six kilometer distance from the famous thermal bath of Sarvar. The familiar pension offers its guests convenient lodging and a small wellness section.
0.7 km (0.4 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 52.41 Eur per room / night!
City: Sarvar Hotel Wolf 

The three-star Hotel Wolf is located but a few hundred meters away from the Thermal Spa of Sarvar, in a pleasant, intimate environment. Hotel services and the qualified staff guarantee a full recovery and refreshment for its visiting guests.
0.7 km (0.4 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 40.99 Eur per room / night!
City: Sarvar Hotel Viktoria 

In October 2004, the new Hotel Viktória was opened in Sarvar, which is a popular Hungarian pleasure resort. The three-star hotel with a new, four-star wing, is located in downtown, next to the Botanical Garden, enjoying quiet and calm surroundings. The nature conservation park, situated in a 10-hectare ground, is available for hotel guests for a free visit.
0.3 km (0.2 mi) from city center.