Other popular destinations in Hungary
- With 10 years of experience in the hotel business we have selected the best accommodations in Hungary in each category.
- Our hotel reservation service for the entire Hungary is absolutely FREE of charge.
- We provide real time secure reservation in Budapest and instant confirmation for most featured hotels in all Hungary.
- The security of your data is guaranteed by Thawte.
- The reservation process for any Hungary lodging is easy and fast with Hotel Start.
- You can compare the prices and services of our hotels so you can easily find the hotels having the best price/value ratio.
- The hotels we work with in the countryside of Hungary do not charge your credit card in advance.
- Most of our hotels are bookable without credit card deposit.
- Changes in the reservation and cancellation for all hotels are made free of charge.
Please choose the town you would like to visit, fill in your arrival and departure dates, the number of rooms, and press the "Check Rates" button. Every hotel in Budapest or your destination town in Hungary, where there is free capacity for the desired period will be listed, together with the room rates.
City: Zalakaros Hotel Vital 

The cosy, four-star Hotel Vital is situated in a calm corner of Zalakaros, surrounded by natural beauty, yet only at a 500 meters distance from the town center. The hotel has been receiving guests since the end of 2005.
1.5 km (0.9 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 46.79 Eur per room / night!
City: Zalakaros Hotel Karos Spa 

The four-star Hotel Karos Spa, with its 221 rooms of distinctive superior design, is situated in the heart of Zalakaros, surrounded by a beautiful garden. The hotel's spa, medical and health center, the Harmony Spa-Wellness World offers a wide selection of wellness, fitness, medicinal and spa services.
1.3 km (0.8 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 134.09 Eur per room / night!
City: Zalakaros Hotel Aphrodite 

The four-star Hotel Aphrodite is situated in the heart of Zalakaros, some minutes walk away from the famous Granit Spa & Bath Centre. Wellness and gastronomical experiences contribute to an unique spa recreation.
0.9 km (0.6 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 149.03 Eur per room / night!
City: Zalakaros Art Hotel 

Hotel Art is located next to the famous Granit Spa in Zalakaros, in peaceful surroundings. The newly renovated hotel offers comfortable accommodation, an in-house thermal pool and great services.
1.4 km (0.9 mi) from city center.
Double rooms from 87.25 Eur per room / night!